For weeks Heather and I have been running the photo printer constantly, buying up lengths of wire and strange plastic…
Motherfucker. Tomorrow I’ll be evenhanded. Tonight I say: Fuck the polite denouement. Fuck the armchair quarterbacking. Fuck the this-is-actually-a-good-thing rationalizations.…
Starting tonight at 8pm, SF Gate will be posting election results as they come in (see also). If you need…
Just a few pages to compulsively reload over the next day or two. SF Gate’s Politics Section seems to be…
With the big runoff election for mayor tomorrow, San Francisco has been turned into the Land of Signs. I’ve lived…
Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.
© Copyright Derek Powazek, all rights reserved. If you like something here, link to it, don’t copy it.