welcome |
Hi. My name is Derek. I make stuff on the web.
You could call this site a weblog. Or a personal page. Or a website. I don't really care what you call it I'm just happy you're thinking about it at all.
| | about powazek.com |
I update this site often. Usually daily. Here are some of the things you can expect to see here: notices of updates to the Powazek Productions sites (fray, kvetch, sfstories), relevant links to those sites (press mentions, blatant ripoffs, interviews), links to sites of interest, impassioned interface critiques, and general interest commentary on life, the universe, and everything.
Basically, whatever floats my boat. It is my name up there in the url field, after all.
| | about me |
I'm currently 27. I live in San Francisco, California, USA. I have a spooky cat. I'm a taurus. I appear semi-nude in a mural on a wall somewhere in Northern California. I put vanilla ice cream in my coffee. Every day.
I'm a designer, a photographer, a writer, a musician, and a storyteller. I'm a first-born son, a big-bad brother, a brand-new lover, and a long-time friend. Not necessarily in that order. I believe the things I believe with a feverish lunatic passion until I change my mind. I think that you only get one go at this life, and it's up to you to make sure you leave a story worth telling.
(And, in case you were wondering, it's pronounced po·WAH·zek accent on the wah.)
| | about the productions |
I created fray.com almost four years ago as a place to tell true, first-person stories online. It's surpassed my wildest dreams.
The idea is, if we have a safe place to vent our nasty sides, we'll be a lot nicer to each other in person. Here's a place to let it all out, and walk away smiling.
the {fray} organization
If fray.com is about telling stories online, fray.org is about telling them in real life. We throw great parties.
San Francisco Stories
I started sfstories.com over two years ago to tell my own personal tales of the city. You can tell yours, too.
the {fray} shop
Because people kept asking for {fray} t-shirts and stickers. Really!
| | thanks for visiting |
That's all I can think of right now. What else do you wanna know?
Thanks for reading,
Derek M. Powazek
5.20.00, 1:35pm
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