Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Interviews

NaBloPoMo Q&A 3: Politics

Hannah ranted: the floor is open, you say…ok, so what do you think of your country’s invaision of Iraq and…

NaBloPoMo Q&A 2: Identities and Pants

Nikol Hasler, from the awesome Midwest Teen Sex Show, which is not what you think it is, asked: Since so…

NaBloPoMo Q&A 1: The Mundane

Mihow asked: What’s a typical weekend like for the Powazeks? What do you eat? Where do you go for fun?…

My Interview in

In May I participated in AssignmentZero’s Interview Week. The stories have been making their way online at this week,…

Clue Unit Interview

A few weeks ago I had a great conversation with Jake, Lee, and Chris for their Clue Unit podcast about…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.