Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Powazek

The Powazek World Tour

Today I embark on the very exciting 2006 Powazek World Tour. (Well, if you consider Portland and DC the world…

What I’m Up To Now

Two months ago, I posted about leaving Technorati and starting a design studio. I also lamented how hard it was…

I Live in the Future

So today I found myself at home, sitting on the couch, plugged into my laptop. I was talking to a…

My Resolutions for 2006

Last year I made some resolutions here on the ol’ dotcom. Let’s recap: 1. Sell the car. Check! 2. Launch…

The Household Beautification Project Continues

Our hallway ceiling is now a stunning shade of “Frank’s Fire.” The only Frank I know is my cousin the…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.