I’ve spent my professional career doing basically two things: making websites and making print media. It’s my hope that what Apple unleashes tomorrow is the device that finally bridges the two.
Fray Issue 3: Sex & Death is coming soon! (Pun intended.) Subscribe now.
This week the biggest dust storm in 70 years blew through Australia, and the photos of it were stunning. So on Wednesday at noon, I decided to make a photo magazine. It was published on MagCloud Thursday night. All told, it was 31.5 hours from idea to publication, and that’s with a few hours of sleep thrown in. I think this shows the power of print-on-demand in general, and MagCloud in particular, so I wanted to share my experience and show you how you can do it, too.
When I saw all the incredible photography coming out of the Australian dust storm, I was gobsmacked. So I invited…
So lemme get this straight. It costs $8.37 for me to get a book made of paper, laboriously printed on…
Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.
© Copyright Derek Powazek, all rights reserved. If you like something here, link to it, don’t copy it.