Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Archive for November 2007

A Geeky Take on the WGA Strike

So if you’re missing your Jon Stewart, you probably know that the WGA is on strike. That means, unless this…

links for 2007-11-09

Ze Frank’s uplifting Song for the Scared Great to have some new Ze Frank zaniness again. (tags: zefrank video scared)…

NaBloPoMo Q&A 5: 10 Things About Spoo

Stefanie Noble asked: Tell me anything and everything about Spoo. The onset of the pups over the years has caused…

links for 2007-11-08

How to disarm 10 difficult client types My problem is, whenever I say things like this, I fear that I…

How to Shoot Events

A few weeks ago I found myself in Beauty Bar in San Francisco. I was standing on the bar, the…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.