Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Geek

It’s 2008. I can’t believe we haven’t figured this out.

If you read this site via RSS, you may notice that now you can only read the first couple lines instead of the whole post. That’s because apparently, amazingly, we still have not figured out how to use RSS and still abide by copyright law on the web. (You can read the rest of this post at

An Update to a Savvy Approach to Copyright Messaging

In my original post, I suggested adding a copyright message to a photo and use CSS to crop its view.…

Hey Apple, Don’t Make Me Think

As an official Apple Fanboy and Interface Geek, I have a complaint about the recent iteration of Apple’s iPhone software…

A Savvy Approach to Copyright Messaging

I’m a photographer. I’m also a web geek. And those two sides of my brain sometimes fight with each other.…

DePo Skinny Theme for WordPress

The DePo Skinny theme for WordPress is a variation on my original DePo Clean theme, developed by myself and my…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.