Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged iPhone

The iPhone 4 Camera Rocks

The iPhone 4 is the first decent cellphone camera I’ve ever owned. I’m just stunned by the image quality. Below…

Why I Love Apple, Reason #24789

There’s been a lot of talk about Apple lately, and the iPhone, and how much people love them. And usually…

The Quest for Perfect iPhone Earbuds

Yeah, I love my iPhone. I use it more than any other gadget. So a good pair of earbuds is…

iPhone 2.0 Wishlist

I loves me some iPhone. I got mine on day one and have used it every day since. Now the…

Hey Apple, Don’t Make Me Think

As an official Apple Fanboy and Interface Geek, I have a complaint about the recent iteration of Apple’s iPhone software…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.