Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Interface

We Are What We Do Not Automate

For a while I’ve been keeping a mental list of things I used to have to do myself that technology…

Video of Me @ FOWD

Last month I presented at Future of Web Design 2008 NYC. Now the Carson folks have put the video online.…

Hey Apple, Don’t Make Me Think

As an official Apple Fanboy and Interface Geek, I have a complaint about the recent iteration of Apple’s iPhone software…

Don’t Be Poopy, Apple

I am an Apple fanboy, and I have been for almost 20 years. But even a fanboy has to take…

Like Holding the Future in Your Hand

I am enough of a contrarian that even I was a little tired of the iPhone ads, blog posts, and…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.