Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged iPod

Twittering Apple

Things I twittered during the Apple event today. I can’t believe Apple expects me to pay another buck for the…

Don’t Be Poopy, Apple

I am an Apple fanboy, and I have been for almost 20 years. But even a fanboy has to take…

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

I’m 32 years old. That means I missed reel-to-reel. I never owned an 8-track. But I remember vinyl. In this…

iPod nano’s Pleasant Surprises

It’s been a week since I got my new toy, and besides being magnificently dainty, I’ve discovered a few wonderful…

The iPod nano: So perfectly tiny

On the Cartoon Network there’s a brilliant show called Harvey Birdman that recycles old Hanna-Barbera characters into a modern courtroom…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.