Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged How to

NaBloPoMo Q&A 6: Chopping Blocks

Or: How To Bust Your Creative Block Megan asked: Say someone’s in a rut. What advice would you offer for…

How to Shoot Events

A few weeks ago I found myself in Beauty Bar in San Francisco. I was standing on the bar, the…

NaBloPoMo Q&A 4: The Web Biz

Zazzy asked: I’m studying web development. Do you have any tips for crossing that hump between moderately-talented-amateur to professional (or…

How to Take Halfway Decent Photos with an iPhone

Heather and I think of our cellphones more as cameras with phone attachments than phones with camera functions. So when…

How to Write a Book in Three Easy Steps

My book, Design for Community, has just gone out of print. It lives on as a download, but it’s just…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.