Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Apple

Bring on the reality distortion field!

Today’s the day to watch the Apple madness going on in San Francisco. It’s Macworld! I suggest following the fun…

Buy my Mac

After two years of faithful service, I’m selling my beloved Apple Power Macintosh G4 because I got a new computer.…

Out of Tune

I’m a randomizer. Back when my music came on small reflective circles, my favorite thing to do was load up…

Let the iPod backlash begin!

With the iPod love-fest that’s been afoot in the mainstream media for the last year, the backlash was inevitable. It’s…

Fray CDs in Apple Store

Attention all you iTunes users! The two original Fray CDs (Fray Day 5 and Fray Cafe 3) are both now…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.